Matt Reeves Clarifies The Batman Standalone Movie Confusions

There has been so much confusion in the DC universe such as, the Warnor Bros launching a banner for DC movies that are not a part of DC Extended Universe, This made people worry about the batman's future But the directer Matt Reeves has cleared everything.

There were rumors about the batman and Ben Affleck would play the role or not. In July Reeves commented on an interview with KCRW :
When they approached me, what they said was,'look its a standalone, it's not a part of extended universe'

Then a report came about Warner Bros working on a Harley Quinn and Joker " crime romance " movie and stated that the plan is not only for the batman to be outside the DCEU but also a new actor to star as Batman, leaving Affleck's role in doubt .

  But today Matt Reeves has cleared the air, He tweeted on twitter and told everyone that batman will be a part of DCEU. And by saying " Batman will be BATMAN " he seems to support Ben Affleck . The tweet is below :

 Its been a hell of a week but can there be even more confusion on the way ?


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