Sarahah uploads your phone contacts for a feature that doesn’t exist yet

Sarahah, the anonymous feedback app that's been going viral for the past few weeks may not be as private as it sounds: it turns out, the app uploads users’ phone contacts to the company’s servers, seemingly for no good reason. The behavior was spotted by security analyst Zachary Julian and first reported by The Intercept.

Sarahah says contacts are being uploaded for an unreleased feature and that the behavior will be stopped in the next update.

On both iOS and Android, Sarahah asks for permission to access each user’s phone contacts.So the app doesn't entirely hide that it is interested in contacts.

And for the users who grant the access to the app so that it could add some functatility to the app.But till now there is no use of it as the app doesn't have the option of friend list while there is a search option but you cannot search people by using their phone number nor the app have the service to show which of your contacts are using the app like in Instagram and Facebook etc.

Julian discovered the behavior of the app by using a monitoring software to see which of the data was being send and received by Saraha from his android phone.He later came to the conclusion tht the app was sending all the emails and contacts list to the App.He did the same test on ios and got same results.

Uploading contact list is not at all a good thing as it may be written in terms of services of the app but not all the people are aware that their contacts are being used by the company.People doesn't like when they comes to know that their personal data is being used by the company for any reason.

Saraha have also said that they will be going to give an update in which people can search for their contacts who are using the app.We hope the company gives this update so the users will be satisfied that their personal data is used by the app for the users benefit.


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